Author Topic: The (soon to be not so) Secret Life of Harry  (Read 34834 times)

Offline Think Cat Ems

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The (soon to be not so) Secret Life of Harry
« on: March 05, 2014, 12:45:05 PM »
Hi fellow cat lovers! This is my first blog post for the new Think Cats Blog, in which I'll be updating you all on call things cat related that are going on around me. A lot of the time I'll be mentioning home - I'm currently studying 300 miles away, so "Home" is where my cat is, but sadly not, always, where I am (to avoid any confusion!). I also have two cats and they don't live in the same house, (more potential confusion...). This first post is all about Harry, who lives with my mum at Home. The second cat, Ziggy, who I'm sure to mention, lives with my dad, which for ease I'll call Home #2. Disclaimers over, let's get onto the blog!

After adopting us seven Christmases ago, it came as no surprise that our cat Harry was a wanderer; he frequents at least one other kitchen that we know of, but we suspect this is merely the tip of the extensive cat-food-chain iceberg which he and many humans are a part of. In his tuxedo, with his demanding meow and charming swagger, there is no doubt that he knows his way into the kitchens with the best food for miles around.

An unexpected sighting got us thinking about how far Harry got on his travels. When driving well out of our neighbourhood, we were given a glimpse into the possible scale of his kitty operations when we saw him sitting by a bus stop, as if waiting to hop on. We couldn’t believe it, and almost stopped the car – what was he doing this far out? Cat owners, even of the most promiscuous cats, all crave the monogamous attention of their pet. It felt like we had caught him doing something secret and shifty, and my mother wished she’d never seen him, preferring ignorance over the possibility that someone else was loving our precious cat. I’ve come to accept that Harry goes where he wants, and as much as we like to think we keep him, he in truth keeps us. So after denial, anger, and bargaining (more treats, more food, more cuddles) came for me, acceptance, and most importantly, interest. When he’s not sleeping (most of the time) or on someone’s lap (a lot of the time) when did he fit in these sojourns?

The BBC documentary The Secret Life of the Cat, aired in May last year (see link below for clips if you didn’t catch it!) added fuel to our curiosity surrounding Harry and his nomadic lifestyle. The myriad of tracks and journeys made by the cats of Shamley Green, Surrey captured our imaginations: and revealed some truths we didn’t want to face up to. Our cats were not our precious babies – well they were, when no other cats were watching, but they were also socialites, guardians, patrollers, killers, stalkers, burglars, and much more. Some cats spent their waking hours in the humble parameters of their own gardens, occasionally crossing other cats on their territorial walks. The biggest surprises were those who travelled in long circuits, their territories spanning miles. All of a sudden, everything made sense: Harry was obviously one of those cats.

So as a silly birthday present (yes, we get presents for our cats, don’t tell me you don’t too!) we got Harry a small Cat Camera, which takes pictures at random intervals, attached to a cats collar, in order to see where they go. Although not nearly as sophisticated as the BBC documentary, who used miniature lion GPS collars and specially developed catcams,  I’m convinced the answer to the scale of his wanderings (and the constant fleas) lies in the grainy pictures of that tiny camera, as yet unused and lying in our cupboard. That is if he doesn’t shake it off, like every other collar we’ve attempted to give him.

This weekend I’m visiting Harry at home, and I think it’s time for his close up…
Until next time, where I hopefully detail the progress of our mini Secret Life of the Cat project!

Happy cat cuddling,


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Re: The (soon to be not so) Secret Life of Harry
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2014, 02:45:28 PM »
This is great Em!  :wave:

I love the whole idea of a secret world, and it's most certainly that! I can't get George to wear a collar either, he just...removes it, so I've given up!

Reprinted here
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Offline gingerninja

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Re: The (soon to be not so) Secret Life of Harry
« Reply #2 on: March 06, 2014, 05:56:22 PM »
 Hey Em loving the blog! To members I am the owner of the already mentioned ' gingerninja' Ziggy. To give him his full name, Ziggy Yota Dexter William Doctor Who Maximillian Boris! There is a reason for each of the names, some you can guess the origin.

It was Ziggy's birthday on Wednesday, he arrived a year ago having been adopted from the RSPCA in Watford. I saw him on the RSPCA adoption website and was impressed by his big nose! A visit to the wonderful cattery in Watford I just feel in love with him straight away. He is the perfect cat, he was great with kids and loves the Lidl version of iams cat food! ( Which is half the price!) He also 'stalks' me at about 830pm in the evening, attacking my hand, and biting me( rather gently, more of a playful gnaw!)

Will post more about Ziggy in forum and some pics too.

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Re: The (soon to be not so) Secret Life of Harry
« Reply #3 on: March 06, 2014, 06:24:04 PM »
 :wave: GingerNinja! Look forward to seeing and reading more about "Ziggy Yota Dexter William Doctor Who Maximillian Boris"

I've just imagined an amusing scenario of calling him in for his food! Here "Ziggy Yota Dexter William Doctor Who Maximillian Boris" Here "Ziggy Yota Dexter William Doctor Who Maximillian Boris"


Ok funny to me at least!  >:D
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Offline Think Cat Ems

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Re: The (soon to be not so) Secret Life of Harry
« Reply #4 on: March 06, 2014, 08:53:56 PM »

Speaking of cats and big noses, I have met a new cat, a fellow aquiline nosed cat with a equally long name: Garrus Kittyvitch Stormageddon III Dark Lord of All, who I get to visit occasionally at a friends.

His nose is wide and squashed, which we are putting down to him being super clumsy and probably falling off something as a kitten. He is again, a tuxedo cat and he's very vocal.

He's also managed to convert one of the most hardcore dog lovers I know into liking cats. No mean feat.

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Re: The (soon to be not so) Secret Life of Harry
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2014, 09:29:30 AM »
That's another long monicker for a cat! A question to all and future members of the cat forum. Ziggy does that funny 'chattering' when he sees birds outside? I love it, but is his behaviour excessive? Do other cats really go for it like him? As for the' where do they go' scenario, Ziggy has taken to cross the road and I have seen him way down at the corner of the road! He greets me when I return from work in the morning at Five O'clock by sitting on the wall of our house, cupboard love methinks? O0...Lets get more cat lovers to shame the love!! :-*

Offline kitty_cat

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Re: The (soon to be not so) Secret Life of Harry
« Reply #6 on: March 07, 2014, 01:48:43 PM »

Also loving the blog Em. I didn't know you could actually get little cameras for cats collars, what a neat idea!!

I would love one for Nicko as he goes all over the village and I'm sure he has many 'homes'!!!  I don't think you'd see much on his camera though except lots and lots of fluff!!!  ;D

Gingerninja, chattering at birds is a very conmmon cat vocalisation!!!  We used to own a Somali called Sambora who chattered away at the birds all the time and every now and then he'd shout a really loud "YOW!", like he was telling the birds off for being on the other side of the window!!!!

Cat names!!! Oh the fun we had with those at the animal shelter!!!!!  Naming whole litters of kittens was a treat!!!  We once had Mrs Billingsly, with her children, Samuel, Muffin, Rudy, Quinn and Missy (if you have young children - you'll get that!!)

My own cats have been Harley and Davidson (brothers!), Pez, Mrs Mouse (changed to Leia), Jon, Sambora, Lemmy, Nicko and Lucy. Loved them all dearly. :-*


Offline Think Cat Ems

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Re: The (soon to be not so) Secret Life of Harry
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2014, 01:11:50 PM »
Thanks KC! You can buy them on the internet, the one we had was this one

but nowadays you can get some fancy digital video cameras, as pet technology has apparently come on leaps and bounds!!

As for names, Harry came to us already with his name, and as he was around 3 yrs, we didn't want to rename him. Luckily I'm a big Harry Potter fan, so it suited me fine! His green eyes and black fur suggest that was the reason for his name anyway, especially as I suspect he was named by the children from the family he escaped!

I'm a fan of simple cat names; I want a ginger cat called Colin at some point in the future, but more adventurous names are the most fun.. I just think Colin is a great cat name...!

Other than Ziggy Yota...etc etc and Harry, I've known a Rhubarb and Jazzy (Jasmine) who were brother and sister (Gingerninja will no doubt talk more about them!), and a very sweet, timid cat Tess (Tessa). Goes without saying but yes, loved them all dearly too, and miss them all! <3



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